Sometimes Grace is a Firefly
May 27th, the 46th day without my love by my side. I don't have a plan as I sit here and begin to write, but I pray the words that flow out of this entry will be real, accurately depicting the journey and real, accurately depicting God's faithfulness to us. We must dive into the depth of the heartbreak to experience the magnitude of God's comfort. So many things have transpired in the last 3 weeks. McCartney and I returned to Nicaragua. My sister joined us on the return to soften the impact of our arrival here and to be here to pick up the pieces when we fell apart. We (and when I say we, it's now a reference to me and McCartney because she is the other half of my duo, and I am the other half of hers) have not fallen apart, but things have not been what we expected either. At the airport on the morning of our departure, we walked up to our gate, the same gate where Jon, McCartney and I had sat only a few weeks prior. My eyes welled up with tears a...