Have you ever stopped to consider the number of doors you walk through each day, the number of times you enter a new space by way of a door, leaving the outside…well, outside. There are certain doors we walk through in our lifetime that change us for good. Once we take the first step inside, we will never be the same. I remember being 5 years old and walking up the big stone steps to Highland Elementary in Plainview, Texas….about to enter the grand doors to public school, to kindergarten. Walking through those doors felt like a HUGE, scary step. I was entering this unknown world of education, beginning a journey, thrust into new relationships, navigating tricky social situations and discovering who I was. Sure, my five year old brain didn’t understand all of that, but it knew enough to be slightly terrified. On some level I knew that once I walked through those doors, my life would never be the same. There are other doors th...