From Desperation to Destiny
God is moving. This should not come as a surprise to me, but somehow it always does. He is always moving, going before us, preparing the way, orchestrating events way ahead of time to answer the prayers that we have not yet prayed. Do you realize that? He is already working in ways you cannot see to answer the prayers you will pray next week, next month and next year. His provision, His mercy, His peace, His comfort, His blessing, His favor…. It’s already there. I am literally sitting here stunned, jaw dropped, eyes wide open, amazed at what the Lord is doing in the midst of unfathomable circumstances. Of course if it were up to me, I would rather have Jon here, rather not ever walk this road, but somehow I sit here grateful this morning……not that Jon took his own life, not that I am a widow, but that God has been faithful. He has used the very thing Satan intended to be my demise to make me stronger, to bring me closer to Him. ...