
Showing posts from November, 2018


Can I be honest?   I mean blatantly, painfully, horrifically honest?   I’m talking about ripping the curtain back to see that the great and powerful Oz is really just a small insignificant man type of honesty.   I. AM. ANGRY. What do you mean, Jenn?   Are you disappointed?   Are you frustrated?   Are you discouraged?   Yep - all of those things, but it goes way past that.   I am furious with anger.   There, I said it.   I have been all those other things before - disappointed, frustrated, discouraged, bitter.   I’ve even SAID that I was angry before, but I don’t think I ever knew what real anger was.   And you know what’s worse?   I’m not angry at SOMEONE.   I am really, truly horribly angry at God.   I know.   How dare I?   The audacity.   Who do I think I am?   Well, I warned you, the curtain is coming back today.   You expected me to be angry at Jon, didn’t you?   I mean truthfully, that seems the more appropriate response.   In the past 19 1/2 months, I may have had brief mome