
Showing posts from January, 2019

What's the Big Deal?

You’re now the sole provider….so what’s the big deal? Ok - before I get started, allow me a couple of pre-qualifying statements:   1.   This is not a pity party.   This is not a “look at how hard we have it” thing.    2.   This is not a comparison.   I know plenty of guys who are single dads - and really good ones!   I know they have some of the same challenges and some different challenges and I am not minimizing those or dismissing them at all.   I just can’t really speak to them because…well, I’m a woman.    There you have it!   That being said, there’s a BIG and growing group of people in our midst whose needs are great and we don’t really know how to help them....women who are the sole providers in their homes.   We commonly call them “single moms,” which is sometimes accurate and sometimes not.   I don’t love this pairing of words though, because if I say “single mom” to you, it usually conjures up a universally analogous image.   You’re thinking a younger woman,