Who Was Jon Massey

I have been asked to share the letter I wrote which was read at Jon's memorial service.  I am so happy to share it because I want EVERYONE to know what a wonderful man he was.  It was written to be read allowed - not printed, so forgive any grammatical errors - I don't have the energy to search them out at the moment.  :)  Though my words fall short, I hope you this will give you some idea why the hole in our hearts will be impossible to fill.  Only by the grace of our loving God.


  1. This is so beautiful my friend.

  2. Jennifer, although I don't know you, I did know Jon. I worked for him at Hospice Home Care. I was shattered today when Al Hafer told me about Jon. I am so sorry for your loss. As I read the beautiful letter you wrote to be read at his funeral, I could go along, nodding my head, because many of the things you wrote about brought me memories from those days. It is obvious that you were as much a blessing in his life as he was in yours. Although not all my memories were good, Al and I had talked about you and Jon, and Al had conveyed to Jon some of the things I was feeling. Jon expressed to Al that he was going to call me and apologize. You cannot know how much that meant to me. I hope some day I get to meet you; I'm so glad you and Jon found each other and loved so well.


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